Year 4

Mrs Camp
Class 9 Teacher
Miss Entwistle
Class 10 Teacher
Leader of Learning 

Welcome to Year 4!

Class 9 - Mrs Camp teaches in Class 9.

Class 10 - Miss Entwistle teaches in Class 10.

Mrs Jean and Mrs Chilvers are the Teaching Assistants in Year 4.



We are starting off this term with a narrative unit based on the book 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers. During this unit, we will be looking at using expanded noun phrases, co-ordinating conjunctions and speech punctuation before planning, writing and editing our own short stories.

This will be followed by a poetry unit, where we will begin by learning and reciting the poem ‘Otter’ by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We will then move on to explore the use of alliteration and creative language before writing our own poems.

After our poetry unit, we will move on to focus on recounts. This unit will link with our History topic and we will explore using sub-ordinating conjunctions and the use of emotive language. We will write our own emotive recounts linked to our History topic - Settlers and Invaders.

Grammar - We will begin by consolidating our Year 3 knowledge as well as introduce new Year 4 grammar in both our Writing lessons and stand alone Grammar lessons.

The children will also complete a daily Grammar Skills sheet which focuses on all aspects of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Guided Reading is taught weekly and the children will focus on a range of non-fiction, fiction, play scripts and poetry texts. 


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

  • Place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division

Arithmetic is taught alternately each week and focuses on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.

The children will also complete a daily Math Skills sheet which focuses on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.


We will be beginning our year with a Science Unit on States of Matter. For this unit we will look at the three states of matter and their properties. We will complete an experiment looking at the conditions in which objects change state (solids, liquids and gases). Later in the term, we will be looking at Sound, where we will explore how sounds are made, associating them with something vibrating. We will also explore how sounds travel to the ear and investigate volume and pitch.

In History, our first unit is Settlers and Invaders. During this unit, we will be building on prior learning of the Romans in Year 3 to explore the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. We will consider how and why the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons invaded and settled in Great Britain.

As part of our DT, children will bake Anglo-Saxon bread. This is linked to our History topic.


During Autumn 1, we will be looking at Christianity and The Gospel. We will be considering the question -‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’

In Autumn 2, we will be focusing on Christianity – Incarnation. We will be considering the key question – ‘What is the Trinity?’


This term we are focusing on the unit ‘What is Diversity?’ We will be exploring what Diversity means and how we don't discriminate others. We will appreciate the Diversity we have in the UK as well as exploring different cultures around the World. During the second half of the Autumn term, we will be learning about friendship in our unit. ‘How to be a good friend’.



PE is taught twice a week. This term in our indoor PE, we will be working from our REAL PE programme. Autumn 1 will be our personal unit which focuses on perseverance and challenging ourselves. In Autumn 2, it will be our Creative unit which focuses on dance.

In our outdoor PE, we will be looking at Netball and the social unit of Real PE, where we will develop our skills of co-operation and patience when working with others. Class 9 will be swimming for during their outdoor PE session and will complete their Netbal and social unit of Real PE after their 10 weeks of swimming.

Please ensure your child wears the appropriate kit to school on PE days on:

Monday and Thursday (Class 9)

Wednesday and Thursday (Class 10)


This term in French, we will be learning how to say where we live, including details about our daily routines. We will also learn months of the year in French and apply this to conversations about when our birthdays are.


Homework will be set and homework books will be sent home every FRIDAY and are due back in on the following WEDNESDAY please.

The children will be expected to complete the following:

1) Learn their set spellings each week, ready for the test on Thursday.

2) My Maths or Times Table Rockstars internet task (these will alternate).

3) One other piece of homework which will link to the week's learning (this could be Maths, English or Topic based). 

Children should also read several times each week and regularly practise their times tables.

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