Anti Bullying Statement

At Holy Trinity Church School we are committed to a policy of inclusion and equality where all children are able to accept diversity through our Christian values.

In our school bullying is always unacceptable.

Department for Education's guidance defines bullying as behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms (for instance, cyber bullying via text messages or the internet) and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups e.g. Race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc. It might be motivated by actual differences between children, or perceived differences.

We believe it is important that:

  • all children feel safe whilst learning to play with and relate to others
  • all children are treated fairly, with respect and no loss of dignity.
  • we listen carefully to what all children have to say
  • we treat reports from all children seriously and take prompt, appropriate action

As part of our community time work, the children and staff have created the 5 Step Rule to support our children in preventing bullying from happening:

We have created a poster that reminds everyone of the 5 step rule and what they can do if they have a worry. 

Across the school, we have dfferent systems and process to support the 5 Step Rule. 

How we promote good values:

  • School Aims and Values – Rainbow Values
  • Special Worships
  • Community Time
  • PSHE lessons
  • E safety lessons, embedded across the curriculum (Cyber Bullying)
  • Class rules
  • Rainbow Rules
  • Community Meetings
  • Junior Governors

How we solve problems:

  • Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS)
  • Five Step Rule
  • Behaviour and Relationship Policy

How we share problems and worries:

  • Adult supervision including teachers, teaching assistants and lunch time supervisors
  • SENDCO and Inclusion Leader – Miss West
  • Buddies
  • Mrs Richardson – School Chaplain
  • Worry Monsters
  • Miss West’s post box
  • Class Post Boxes (KS2)
  • Parents and Carers

Parents who are concerned that their child might be being bullied, or who suspect that their child may be bullying others, should contact the school immediately. This may be the class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team. This communication can be in person, by letter or by email. The school regards communication as an essential part of this work, as the sooner the school is aware, the more effective the support plan can be.

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