
To uplift children's learning potential, we must have a high aspiration for their achievement and aspire for all children to access learning at their expected age or above. We must expose them to the joy of success from challenge and to understand that failure is the route to this success. When we challenge ourselves and achieve, dopamine is released pushing us to seek more challenge. Uplift utilises repetition and rest to accelerate learning with the teacher focusing their attention and support towards children with low confidence in their learning. Learning reviews provide an opportunity for children to independently demonstrate their learning confidence enabling the teacher to identify gaps and apply tailored support helping them to achieve the challenge and experience the dopamine release, reinforcing a love of learning. 

The Uplift Principles

Uplift has core and supporting principles that support the process that are outlined below.

Core Principles:

Curriculum expectations for all

Tailored Learning

Perseverance Cycle

Teacher/TA partnership

Repetition and Rest

Supporting Principles:

Clear Learning Journey

Diagnostic and prior learning lessons


Open Groupings

Visual Marking

Failure is the route to success

Uncertain Rewards

Integrated Polish

Uplift Sequence

For more detail please read our Uplift document: 


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