Ofsted and SIAMs


Our most recent Ofsted Inspection took place from 9th - 10th September 2014. The school was judged as OUTSTANDING in all areas.   Within the report, there are many favourable comments about the dedication and hard work of all the staff which are summed up in remarks such as:

Pupils' achievement is outstanding.  All groups of pupils make excellent progress in reading, writing and mathematics.  Their attainment is high in all subjects.

Pupils are given outstanding guidance on how they can improve their work.  Consequently, they make rapid progress.  

The quality of teaching ... is outstanding overall.  Teachers strive to motivate and inspire pupils, encouraging them to do their very best.

OFSTED Report Sept 2014



We were inspected under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools on 5th March 2020.  The outcome of the Inspection was EXCELLENT in all areas.

The Christian vision and associated values are fully embedded, and they drive and inspire academic and personal development in the whole school community.

SIAMS Report 2020

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