Year 3

Mr Flitton
Class 7 Teacher
Mrs Camp
Class 8 Teacher

welcome to our Year 3 page!

On this page, you will be able to discover what your child has been and will be learning in class. We hope you enjoy and share these experiences with your child.

Mr Flitton teaches in class 7 and Mrs Camp teaches in class 8

The TA is Mrs Richardson 

Spring Term 


In writing this term, the topics are Myths and Legends, Balanced Arguments and Poetry. The children will explore the key features of these before writing their own. They will include Year 3 writing standards such as: compound and complex sentences, character and setting description, paragraphs, prepositional phrases, speech and rhyming.

Grammar is taught weekly focusing on sentence structure, identifying and using conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, inverted commas, present perfect tense in their writing.

Guided Reading is taught weekly and this term the children will complete their work based on the texts: Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit, Daily News – Non-fiction and Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.


In maths, the children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This term the children will learn:

  • Continuing with Multiplication and Division
  • Money
  • Statistics
  • Length and Perimeter
  • Club TimesTables

Arithmetic and Reasoning is taught alternatively each week. Arithmetic focusses on the four operations: column addition, column subtraction, column multiplication and bus stop method for division. Reasoning will focus on developing mastery in mathematical areas and problem solving.


The Human Body
In this topic, the children will be focussing on a number of areas such as: nutrition, skeleton types, functions of a skeleton and muscles.

In this topic, the children will be focussing on areas such as: parts of plant and their functions, the requirements of plants for life and growth, the way in which water is transported within plants and the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.


The topic for this term is ‘The Romans’. We will explore what it would have been like to live during this part of history with a deep focus on invasions and the spread of the Roman Empire. We look into how Roman people lived and delve into key people such as Boudicca and Julius Caesar.


The children will look be learning how to play the recorder, learning different notes and applying these to songs with rhythm.


We look at Roman Mosaics and how these were a key part to Roman Art and Design. We will be focussing on creating pattern and using materials to create our own work.


The children will look at programming in two units: ‘We are presenters’ and ‘We are who we are’. In the first unit, children will be using green screens and learning how to present confidently. In the second unit, children will be creating a set of presentations for a range of audiences and discussing trust and privacy.

Physical Education

PE is taught twice a week. Outside this term, the children will focus on Dynamic Balance, Coordination and Tennis Skills. Inside we will be learning about the shapes, turns and circles we can make in dance. Then, we will be focussing on how different movements can fit into a routine.

Religious Education:

In the first half term, children will focus on the ‘People of God’ and look specifically at the story of Noah’s Ark, the idea of covenant and what it is like to follow God.

The second half term will look at ‘Salvation’ focussing on Good Friday and why it has adopted this name.

PSHE and Relationships

During these lessons, we will discuss and look at:

  • How can we describe our feelings?
  • How do we change and grow?


All Homework will be given out on a Friday and due back in on a Thursday. If your child has not completed their homework by this date, they will do it in Homework Club at break time.

Weekly spellings will also be given out on a Friday and their spelling test will take place on Thursday.

Every other week your child will be given a times table Maths homework to complete on Times Table Rockstars.

The other week will be a writing or topic based homework in our homework books. 

Useful Links

Provides a useful reading list for children that are currently in year 3. 

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