School Uniform

As well as looking smart we want our uniform to be accessible for all. This means that we do not allow items of clothing to bear logos of brands that may not be attainable for some children, hence why we ask that uniform items are plain. Government guidance on school uniform states ‘Schools must follow legal guidance on the cost of school uniforms which includes making sure they’re affordable. The cost should never be a barrier to families and pupils applying for and attending a school. Schools should make sure they limit the number of branded items in the uniform and that second-hand uniforms are available’  School uniform - GOV.UK (

We are very proud of our school uniform, and expect all children to come to school smartly dressed as follows:

Winter uniform:

(from Autumn half term until Easter break): White collared cotton shirt, school tie, Holy Trinity Church School sweatshirt or cardigan, grey or black school skirt (skirts must be knee length) or trousers (must not be cargo trousers with pockets on). Children can wear winter uniform throughout the year.

Summer uniform:

(from Summer term until Autumn half term): yellow and white summer dress, grey or black school shorts (shorts must be knee length), sensible white sandals with plain white socks (not trainer socks) or black/ brown sandals with plain grey or plain black socks (not trainer socks).   School ties are not mandatory during the summer term.

All year uniform:

plain dark socks (not trainer socks), black school shoes (no boots or trainers – including trainers which may be perceived as looking like school shoes, such as Nike). Jewellery should not be worn to school except for a watch (no smart watches) and children who have their ears pierced should only wear plain, stud earrings.


Certain Hair Styles for fashion purposes or copying celebrities do not look smart and are not allowed i.e. this includes hair dye, perms, mohicans, tram lines, undercut (including having a shaved undercut and wearing a pony tail) and hair shorter than a grade 1.   Hair accessories should be used to keep hair tidy and not for fashion purposes i.e. no over-sized hair bands, clips, hair bobbles or excessive braiding. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back at all times. Hairstyles containing fringes that cover eyes and face are not allowed. Pony tails that sit on the top of the head are not allowed.

P.E. Uniform:

P.E. Uniform consists of a yellow collared T-shirt and black shorts/skorts. For cold weather this will include yellow collared T-shirt, plain black leggings or plain black tracksuit trousers and children can either wear a plain black jumper/hoodie or a black logoed Holy Trinity Church School hoodie or their logoed Holy Trinity Church School brown cardigan/jumper. Children can wear trainer socks for PE if they wish.

Children will wear their PE kit into school on their specific PE days rather than the normal school uniform.


Only Holy Trinity Church School Book Bags and Holy Trinity Church School Ruck Sacks should be used by children for carrying equipment to and from school. These are obtained via the School Uniform shop in town. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 use Book Bags, and children from Year 3 upwards use the Holy Trinity Church School Ruck Sack. However, it is entirely your choice as to when your child uses a Holy Trinity Church School Ruck Sack. Please note that no other bags may be brought to school due to a limit on the space we have available in the cloakroom areas.

Uniform specific to Holy Trinity Church School can be purchased at the School Uniform Shop in Yeovil (01935 478178)


School Uniform List and Prices

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