Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Our SEND Vision:

To enable all our children with SEND to be independent learners and to be fully integrated into the classroom, working alongside their peers. We will provide targeted resources and support through a Tailored Support Plan that enables them to make progress across all aspects of their spectrum of needs. 

key contacts                                                    

Miss Claire West is our SENDCo and Inclusion Leader. She is Lead SENDCo for the Bath and Wellls Multi Academy Trust Somerset SEND Hub and has completed the NASEN whole school SEND reviewer training. She works alongside children, their parents and carers, school staff and external proffessionals to coordinate the provision for children in school. We also have a special group of parents called 'Parents Forum' who have input on policies, support and other matters because parental engagement and input is very important to us. Mr Olly Baldwyn is our SEND Governor. 

Miss West can be contacted on [email protected]  or by phoning 01935 472902   


At Holy Trinity Church School we believe that everyone can pursue their potential, whatever their ability or needs. We base our provision around the SEND Code of Practice (2015) and the 'Somerset Graduated Response Tool', to ensure every pupil receives the support they are entitled to.

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We have high expectations of all our children and work towards ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, make the best possible progress at school.

All our children access and enjoy a wide range of varied, exciting learning opportunities, with quality first teaching in an inclusive environment at the heart of all that we do.

We embrace the fact that all children are individuals, who have unique educational and emotional needs and aspirations. As a result, children require different strategies for learning and can acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates. Using our UPLIFT philosophy, our approach to teaching and learning is adapted accordingly, creating an exciting, challenging and nurturing learning environment. In the section below, you will find a 'Provision Map' of some of the systems, resources and interventions that we can provide in our school. They are broken down into 4 key areas of need and also the range of need across the school, from 'universal' provision (for all children) to the support that children with the highest needs may access. The list is not exhaustive and not every child will need to access all. 

Provision Map


Somerset Wellbeing Framework


The Somerset Wellbeing Framework is a whole school approach to wellbeing and mental health. After submitting a vast portfolio of what we do in our school to support wellbeing and mental health, we were really proud that in October 2023 we were awarded for the themes of belonging, positive relationships and healthy lifestyles. 

Parent Workshops and Information Sessions

This Spring (2023) Term we will have a number of parent advice and support afternoons, running from 1:30-3pm on Fridays.

21.4.23 - 'ASC and Sensory Processing - a Parent's Perspective', led by an ex-parent

28.4.23 - 'Dyslexia Information and Support', led by Miss West and Mr Beauford.

12.5.23 - 'Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing' led by Miss West and Nina Britneff

19.5.23 - 'Ask a Question' session run by our local PCSO

26.5.23 - 'Behaviours that Challenge' led by Mr Beauford

26.1.24 - 'Dyslexia - hints and tips for life' led by Miss West and Mr Beauford

9.2.24   - 'ADHD' led by Miss West and Mr Beauford


Helpful Links and Policies 

We use an 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' (APDR) Process in school and this helps us to decide which children should be placed on the SEND register and to monitor and review those who are. Below is a flowchart which details this process:

APDR Process

Below is our Dyslexia Pathway - this is a flowchart explaining what we do if we suspect a child has dyslexic traits or literacy difficulties: 


Here is the link to Somerset's Weekly SEND Newletter:

Somerset Weekly SEND Newsletter

Some of our Parents Forum group suggested that our policies could be easier for parents and carers to read, so we have produced a 'Simple Guide to SEND' (below)


Somerset's Local Offer - Information on the services available for children and young people up to 25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)in Somerset:

Somerset's Local Offer 

Our school SEND Policy

SEND Policy 2024-2025

Our SEND Information Report


Our school Accessibility Plan:


The BWMAT SEND and Diversity Policy

Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust - SEND, Inclusion and Diversity (bwmat.org)

Other external links:

Somerset Choices 

Somerset Choices

Parent carer Forum :




Somerset Graduated Response Tool:

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