MFL at Holy Trinity is an integral part of the curriculum, providing an insight into another culture and encouraging pupils to appreciate and celebrate differences. We strive to foster in pupils an enthusiasm for learning another language and to help them grow into curious, confident and reflective language learners who are able to build upon these foundations as they progress into key stage 3 and beyond.
MFL (French) is taught weekly in Key Stage 2 for four half-terms out of six, by a Subject Specialist Teacher during Class Teachers’ PPA sessions. Each lesson lasts one hour. The planning is based on a resource from CGP; “Salut!” and adapted to meet the needs of learners at Holy Trinity. Through speaking, listening, reading, writing, singing and group and class games, children will learn how phonics, grammar and vocabulary are interrelated. As they move through Key Stage 2, they follow a carefully structured sequence of units which develop and embed their oracy and literacy skills.
We will have enthusiastic pupils with an appetite for learning, who are confident to utilise their French knowledge and understanding outside of the classroom. They will be sensitive to the similarities and differences between our cultures and will be ready to continue their language learning at key stage 3. This will be evidenced by happy, confident learners and positive pupil voice discussions.
Pupils will have the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of what they have been taught, integrating this learning into their long-term memory.
By the end of Key Stage 2, they will be able to: