Absence Procedures

The reporting of absence due to illness remains the responsibility of the parents/carers. Absences due to illness which have not been reported to the school by the parent on the first day of absence may not be authorised.

Parents/carers should notify the school of illness absence as early as possible after 8:00 am but before 9:05 am at the latest and include the specific reason for the absence (‘unwell’ is not sufficient). This should be by phone, or a personal visit (via an adult).

If a child is absent for more than one day, the parents/carers should contact the school each day to provide an update on the child’s condition, unless otherwise agreed by the school.

If no contact has been made with the school on the first day of absence, the school office will make contact using the school emergency contact details for a child. It is our goal to complete all register checks by 9:05am each day.

Priority will be given where there is additional support in place, or where children are considered more vulnerable. e.g. Children in Care; children subject to Child Protection Plans; children open to Social Care as a Child in Need; children who have previously been reported missing; pupils who make their own way to school; and children where there are, or have been, concerns regarding attendance.

Emergency contacts

Parents will be asked to supply details of at least two people and ideally three who can be contacted in an emergency. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to keep these contact details up to date by communicating with the school office. We will send out data collection sheet at the start of each new academic year to capture this information.

If the school is unable to contact any of the emergency numbers provided by 9:30am, the school will conduct a home visit. If the school is unable to make contact and ascertain the where abouts of the pupil, and is concerned for the welfare of the pupil, we will request a Welfare Check from the police.

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