
The Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust is  the Admissions Authority for the School and agrees and, when necessary, consults on the School's  Admissions arrangements for each academic year, which are then published on the Trust and School websites. The School contracts support for this work through Somerset County Council. The Country Council works on behalf of the School to ensure our Admissions Arrangements are clear and adhere to the Admissions Code as published by the DfE.

Details of our Admissions arrangements can be downloaded from the link below. If you would like further information about our Admissions arrangements, please contact the School Office. Details can be found on our Contact Us Page.

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) for  2023-24 is 60.

Application Information

In - Year Applications

If you need to apply for a place for your child during the school year, please download and complete the below form (In Year Application form) and return it to the School office by hand, post or email (to [email protected] ) and we will then process your application. When we receive an application we are legally given 10 school days to review and respond to your application.  We can hold an accepted school place for your child for a maximum of six school weeks.  We cannot confirm whether we have a space for your child without receiving your application as class numbers can fluctuate and each application is looked at on an individual basis.

Please note that if we are at full capacity and your application is refused, we hold a waiting list which your child can be added to at your request. However you do have the legal right to appeal against the decision.  This requires you to complete and return an appeal form, and set your case before an independent Appeal panel. Appeals are governed by the 2022 School Admission Appeals Code, issued by the Department for Education and this is available at  You are encouraged to refer to this document before proceeding with an appeal.  The Admissions Authority will ensure that any appeal hearing takes place within 30 school days of receipt of a completed appeal form.

In Year Admission Form

Submitting your Admission Application Form or Appeal Form to the governors

Application forms and Appeal Forms may be posted or hand delivered to the school Office or submitted as an attachment to an email. Please be aware that: By submitting your Application or Appeal Form as an email attachment, you are effectively agreeing to the full terms of the declaration set out in the Application Form or the Appeal Form, in the same way that you would be if you signed the declaration in person. If you do not agree to this arrangement, please do not submit your application or appeal by email.

Key documents

Click here for School Admission Code

Click here for School Admission Appeals Code

Click here for Somerset County Council Primary Coordinated Admissions Scheme



Click here for Somerset County Council School Transport Policy








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