Recovery Curriculum

Following the 1st lock down, we developed a recovery curriculum that was designed with the concept of ‘Equality of Opportunity’ as a foundation.  For Holy Trinity, 'Equality of Opportunity' is focused on providing all our children with a level playing field during the time that they are in our school building and are part of our community so that they can all thrive and grow into determined and successful people.

The Covid-19 Pandemic that we have experienced has impacted so many lives and will have impacted the educational opportunities of many children. During the 1st Lock down, the circumstances that different families encountered, meant that our children received a spectrum of home learning support. It was essential that Holy Trinity provided all of our children with the essential learning from their previous Year Group to enable them to progress forward equally, while also providing opportunities to challenge and enhance the learning of children who are ready to deepen their understanding of the skills and knowledge gained from the Home Learning provided during the Lock-Down period.

The goal was to  provide all the essential learning from a child’s previous Year Group and complete all the learning for the new Year Group by the end of this Academic Year (20/21). By the end of the academic year 2020/2021 we felt that we had completed the task, despite another school closure. During the 2nd school closure, we deployed a significantly upgraded package for our children and parents who were at home using MS Teams that enabled us to maintain academic outcomes and not see the drop off in learning we experienced in the 1st lock down. This meant that we were ready in the academic year 2021/2022 to move forward with a normal curriculum. 

Our recovery curriculum was developed by the Teaching Staff are using ‘curriculum progression grids’ to identify how the learning statements have been covered and are highlighting them as follows:

We used these statements to analyse our progression grids to identify the essential learning that needs to be covered.


The Academic Year 2020/2021 was be divided into four phases:

Phase 1:

This happened during the first half term and focused initially on inviting all our children back into our school in a safe and happy way. We planned transition and settling-in sessions and used what we learnt from the initial reopening to support those children who were not able to return.

As we moved throughout the new term, the Teachers focused on recapping and extending the children, using the planning documents that had been created, initially focusing on learning that could not be integrated into other learning, to happen later in the year. The children also started the new topics for their current year so that, the merging of the two approaches provided the children with a more normal feeling about their learning and helped us all to move through this crisis successfully.

Nearing the end of the half term, the children completed the Summer Assessments that they missed from their previous Year Group. These assessments, along with the work produced in their books, and information that Teachers gathered from being with the children, was used to provide an end-of-year judgement on the child’s outcomes. 

The information gathered from this first half term enabled us to determine how to spend the Government’s catch-up money. This money was used to target children who had fallen behind from their previous learning outcomes in March 2020. 

Phase 2-4:

These were 10 weeks long and ended with assessments and parent consultations to discuss the children’s outcomes. Children’s outcomes were reviewed and interventions put in place if they were required.

Please see below the documents that were been created to support this process. You will see that, for each Year Group, there is a word document that gives you access to all the Progression Grids that the Teachers highlighted using the colour coding system (see above).  There is also a Recovery Curriculum plan on how and when the learning happened. 

Update - Post School Closure Janaury 4th to March 5th 2021

Please see the updated Recovery Curriculum plan that details the changes made after the school closure between January and March. 





Year 1




Year 2




Year 3




Year 4




Year 5




Year 6



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