Year 3 Events 24/25

Autumn 1 2024 

Maths Day

We thoroughly enjoyed our maths day last week. We had fun dressing up with numbers on our clothes – look how fantastic we looked! We then had a day of maths activities that we enjoyed. 

Year 2 - 2023-24

Summer 2 2024

Trip to Axe Valley Wildlife Park

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Axe Valley Wildlife Park. It was the perfect link to our topic of living things and their habitats as well as our topic of Africa and the animals that live there.  We were met by Catherine who talked to us about the different animals that live in Africa.  We were then able to get up-close and even hold some animals, including a stick insect, millipede, bearded dragon, tortoise and python.  We were very brave!  We had time to explore the wildlife park and enjoyed seeing the many different animals that live there.

Class 5:

Class 6:

Summer 1 2024

Art Work

This term we have been learning about the botanical artist Margaret Flockton and have been inspired to do our own observational drawings.

Eurovision Day

Class 5 enjoyed their day finding out about Greece and class 6 about Belgium.


Spring 2 2024

Easter Bonnets


Author Visit

Classes 5 and 6 were really excited to welcome the author and illustrator Mike Brownlow to Holy Trinity today.  He spoke to each class about his books and demonstrated how to draw some of his well-known characters which all the children had a go at copying.  We also enjoyed listening to him read two of his stories.

Spirituality Day

The theme of our spirituality day was prayer.  The children found out a lot of about different types of prayer during the day and after a walk outside to look at all the signs of nature, shared 'thank you' prayers.  Both classes even learnt to sign the Lord's Prayer in Makaton.

Spring 1 2024

People and Places Day

The children found out about James Cook and his voyage to Australia. They enjoyed created their own Aboriginal-inspired dot paintings.

World Explorers Topic

Classes 5 and 6 have been busy making their own globes out of paper-mache.

Autumn 2023

Christmas Nativity - Born in a Barn

We hope you enjoy these pictures from our production of Born in a Barn.  We had a great time performing.

Caterpillars and Butterflies!

We were excited that five caterpillars came to live in each class.  They had their own special pot to live in and we watched them grow bigger and turn into chrysalides.  We moved them into the chrysalis station inside the butterfly net and after two weeks they turned into butterflies.  It was really exciting to watch them fly away – although they were in a bit of a hurry and flew away before we could photograph them!


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