Year 1

Mr Bromige
Class 3 Teacher
Zoe King.jpg
Miss King
Class 4 Teacher

Welcome to our Year 1 page!

Mr Bromige is the teacher in Class 3

Miss King is the teacher in Class 4

The TAs are Mrs Jen Blatchford and Mrs Pam Frankpitt

Autumn Term 2023


Phonics: The children will complete daily phonics sessions which will be taught as a separate lesson to Writing. In the first half term the children will initially recap Phase 3 and 4 sounds introduced in Reception and progress onto Phase 5.

Writing: In writing in the first half term, we will be exploring lots of different traditional tales. After half term, we will be exploring stories written by Julia Donaldson. The children will be building on their work of simple sentence construction and will apply these skills throughout the term through labelling, story writing and writing character and setting descriptions.

Reading: In addition to opportunities for reading during daily phonics sessions, the children will participate in guided reading sessions and will be heard read by adult in school a minimum of once a week.


In maths, the main focus for the first term will be counting and place value. The children will follow the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach and we will follow the White Rose scheme of work to cover:

Place Value:

- Read and write numbers to 20
- Compare, order and partition numbers to 20, including using the comparison symbols < >

Add and Subtract:
-Addition and Subtraction within 10
-Number bonds and Fact Families to 10

Shape and Space
- Recognise, name and sort 3D and 2D shapes


We will be exploring ‘Everyday Materials’ and linking our investigative work to a variety of traditional tales. We will also be observing seasonal change during Autumn and Winter. Also, we will be carrying out work through the year looking at seasonal change.                          

Art and DT

We will be using a wide range of paper art and design techniques to create collages, paper shapes and patterns. We will be making and evaluating a ‘Harvest Salad’ as part of our DT work and later in the term we will explore, make and use simple mechanisms to make fairy tale-themed products.


Multi-Skills and Dance will be the focus of this term’s PE lessons. We will be following the REAL PE programme for these.

We will be working on individual challenges and working as part of team.

PSHE and Relationships

Autumn 1: Our unit this half term will be ‘How do we decide how we behave?’

Autumn 2: Our unit this half term will be ‘What can we do with money?’


In computing the children will be developing their understanding of online safety and exploring a new programme called Purple Mash. We will be learning about grouping and sorting as well as pictograms.

Religious Education

Autumn 1: Our first unit this term is ‘Creation’. We will be thinking about who made the world and learning the Christian Creation story.
Autumn 2: In preparation for Christmas, our second unit will be ‘Incarnation’ and we will be learning the Christmas Story.


Homework will be set on a Friday and must be handed in on the following Wednesday.  It will consist of a task based on a curriculum area which will support work completed in the classroom.  The children will also have an optional skills book to practise basic skills, life skills and other challenges.  The children will also bring 5 spellings home each week to learn. The children should aim to read every day at home to practise their reading skills and to consolidate the phonics learning happening in school.

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