
To empower our curriculum vision, we view our children in three distinct aspects.  Academic, Emotional and Identity. The diagram of the gears below represent these three aspects. Through high quality teaching and a deep and broad curriculum, we can spin each of gears faster. Through targeted support, we can spin a specific gear faster, influencing the other gears. Each of these Gears has internal gears called 'Success Gears'. These gears are integrated throughout the curriculum and focus on provising the children with the essential skills they will need to be sucesssful in their future lives. 


Academic Outcome: A child will leave our school with a wide range of skills and knowledge which have been integrated into their long term memory that will allow them to access and explore the world around them, helping to develop their self-esteem and identity.

The quality of the children’s learning is monitored on a regular basis by the Leadership Team and subject leaders. This information is used to provide focused and bespoke training to raise the quality of education across the subjects. Children with SEND are monitored on a regular basis to ensure they have the most focused tailored learning.

Using the Uplift approach, assessments are carried out across all subjects at an individual learning goal level and across units of work or topics which enables teachers to make professional judgements on children’s outcomes. This data enables teachers to be aware of the outcomes of all the children relative to their prior attainment. 

The Academic Gear has four internal success gears:

  • Communication/Oracy: This skill involves the ability to convey information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings effectively to others. It encompasses both verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, and understanding different perspectives. Strong communication skills are crucial for building relationships, collaborating with others, and resolving conflicts.
    • Expression
    • Clarity
    • Listening
  • Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the process of analysing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to make informed decisions and solve complex problems. It involves questioning assumptions, considering evidence, and forming logical conclusions. Developing critical thinking skills enhances your ability to assess situations, weigh options, and arrive at well-reasoned solutions. Critical thinking is not about finding a solution but focusing on the reasoning about the problem.
    • Analysis
    • Evaluation
    • Reasoning
  • Problem-Solving: Problem-solving entails identifying challenges, generating potential solutions, and implementing strategies to address them. It involves creativity, resourcefulness, and adaptability to find effective ways to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Strong problem-solving skills are valuable in various aspects of life, from personal issues to professional endeavours. Problem solving focuses on creating a solution.
    • Analysis
    • Solution
    • Implementation
  • Creativity: Creativity involves thinking outside the box, generating novel ideas, and finding innovative approaches to tasks or challenges. It encompasses imagination, originality, and the ability to combine existing concepts in unique ways. Cultivating creativity fosters innovation and encourages the development of fresh solutions.
    • Imagination
    • Innovation
    • Originality

Emotional Outcome: We aspire for all our children to leave our school with the skills to remain flexible, adaptive, coherent, energised and stable by monitoring their emotional responses and using their ‘thinking brain’ to make informed choices.

Our curriculum will help us to support children with gaps in their emotional development. All children are taught about mindfulness and breathing techniques that help to regulate their emotions. Children who expereience emotional difficulties are supported through tailored support and this is recorded and monitored by their teacher on our emotional tailored support plan. Our teaching staff recieve support from a social and emotional expert each half term. Within our reporting to parents, we also share with them information about their child’s emotional development in terms of what we see in the school setting. We use this section of our report to inform parents of the skills that the children have secured. These statements are taken from the work of Dr. Ross Greene and his work on Lagging Skills. There are 22 lagging skills that are very relevant to functioning successfully in society. (Lost at School, Green, R, 2014)

The Emotional Gear has three internal success gears:

  • Adaptability: Adaptability refers to the capacity to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances or environments. It involves being open to new ideas, learning from experiences and making errors, and embracing uncertainty. An adaptable individual can effectively navigate transitions and respond positively to unexpected challenges.
    • Flexibility
    • Resilience
    • Adjustment
  • Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand, manage, and navigate one's own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves skills like empathy, self-awareness, interpersonal communication, and relationship management. A high EQ facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution.
    • Empathy
    • Self-awareness
    • Relationships
  • Self-Care: Self-Care is the understanding of what is required to keep your body in a good condition that then impacts your mental health and overall well-being. Self-Care involves understanding the importance of a diet, sleep, exercise, and sunlight on maintaining a strong body and then making steps in your life to improve the quality of these aspects.
    • Diet
    • Sleep
    • Exercise
    • Sunlight

Identity Outcome: A child will leave our school with a wide range of positive school memories, skills and knowledge. They will have a strong understanding of their likes and dislikes and detach this from their emotional stability to gain a sense of who they are as a unique person and that others around them are unique.

Our deep focused curriculum and wide range of learning opportunities will provide children with character-building experiences; enabling them to grow a clear Identity of who they are.

Our Personal Development Curriculum provides the driving force to provide our children with a wide range of opportunities and experiences. Twice a year the children complete an Identity Profile of themselves; identifying the things that they enjoy and like and defines who they are and what they want to be when they grow up. These profiles can be used to support children by providing additional opportunities for them or to help them find things that they can enjoy if they struggle to identify these themselves.

The Identity Gear has three internal success gears:

  • Values: Values play a pivotal role in shaping and fortifying a person’s sense of identity. They serve as the moral compass guiding our decisions and actions, helping us define who we are. By embracing values that resonate with our beliefs and principles, we not only foster self-awareness but also establish a foundation for a strong and authentic identity.
    • Beliefs
    • Principles
    • Self-Awareness
  • Opportunities: Opportunities help forge a sense of who we are. They provide the canvas on which we paint our experiences, passions, and aspirations, allowing us to discover our strengths, values, and purpose. Embracing opportunities empowers us to explore, adapt, and grow, ultimately shaping a dynamic and evolving sense of identity that reflects our journey through life.
    • Explore
    • Adapt
    • Grow
  • Memories: Memories are the threads that weave the tapestry of our identity. They hold our personal history, preserving the moments that define who we are. Whether joyous or challenging, memories offer valuable insights, lessons, and emotional connections that shape our self-perception. By cherishing and reflecting upon our memories, we gain a deeper understanding of our identity, appreciating the unique story that has shaped us.
    • Personal History
    • Self-Perception
    • Shaping our Story
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